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  • Diterbitkan : 21 Nov 2023

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Lekcje życia. Specjaliści od śmierci i umierania zdradzają tajemnice życia

Free Followers Instagram Instan. Lekcje życia. Specjaliści od śmierci i umierania zdradzają tajemnice życia

This is the quality of writing you can expect from this book, a Chicken Soup for the Soul knock-off with just as much god jammed in. I wish books like this came with a Maslow's hierarchy of needs printed on the back indicating which level you belong to so you would know if the authors were speaking to you.

The entire book is made up solely of the authors personal reflections on life and death, and anecdotes to support those statements. The book literally regurgitates the tired line, “Money doesn’t buy happiness”. Money buys food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and education. The book says just once that you should not stay in an abusive relationship, but repeatedly extolls the virtues of suffering for character development. If you’ve ever been in an abusive relationship, you know just how your sense of reality becomes warped by manipulation and gaslighting. Making blanket statements like these and leaving them completely unexamined, without addressing systemic abuse, is irresponsible.

The story of Margaret & Frank shows Margaret fearing an existence without her husband, but then right before death she says she has found comfort because she has been told she’s going to a place where Frank already exists, and we are then encouraged to rethink our concept of time, which is an illusion anyway, to essentially encompass other dimensions. The entire book pushes this agenda, and maybe that’s why there are no instructions or exercises, because we’re not really meant to change, to alter our world.